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Cache directory "/mnt/167/sda/2/b/love.debee/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.An Online Medical Assistant School ?

I have to admit that I was quite surprised at first. They are many medical assistants here in France so I know what is their work for, but I never heard about Online Medical Assistants Schools.

And tonight, I just discovered St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants, an online school, especially for medical assitants wannabe. This school proposes an “anytime e-learning”, this means you can stay at home if you want, and just learn your lessons online, 24h/24 ans 7 days a week ! Isn’t that cool ?
I think this online personal medical assistant program is the best, if you want to reach your goal in this medical section. Very interesting right ? Also, this school is accepted by the National Education, which means it is 100% legal, plus you have a 100% flexibility. This is a great program if you want to exceed your expectations. Believe me, I am learning all these medical stuff at school.

All you have to do is to register on the school’s site, pay $645 (not expensive at all don’t you think ?) and there you go ! In 6-8 weeks, you will be able to get your medical assistant certificate and start working !

Surprise, the site also offers :

  • Medical assistant courses
  • Nursing assistant programs
  • Nursing Aide programs
  • Home health care courses

Interesting for the future medecine workers !

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